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Starter Cultures for Tempeh (Ragi)

  • $16.00

Cultures for Tempeh

Starter Cultures for Tempeh (Ragi) by Craft & Culture - Kombucha, Kefir & Probiotics Singapore, characterized by its high protein content from fermented soybeans, is displayed with slices fanned out over a whole block on a white background. The product features a golden interior contrasted by a white, textured outer layer.
White mould fibers connecting soy beans together

Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian soy product made from fermented soybeans using rhizopus oligosporus mould. It became increasingly popular due to its delicious nutty profile and high protein content. It also has a firm and earthy flavour, which increases in intensity as it ripens. We love it especially sliced thin and fried into chips, or cubs in a lemongrass-sambal stir-fry. 

    At Craft & Culture, get our tempeh cultures to start your ferments! We also offer fermentation workshops as well! Please see here

    Famed chef David Chang of Momofuku describes it best: 
    "Microbes produce enzymes, enzymes develop amino acids, glutamic acid + aspartic acid = umami, umami = delicious."

    Recommended Usage:

    1g tempeh ragi for every 250g of dry beans or 500g cooked beans

    Basic instructions wIll be emailed after purchase. Please make sure to create an account.


    Tempeh ragi colour differences may vary between pale beige, yellow, cream, or white. 


    Store in a cool and dry place or in the freezer. See package for best by date.


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